Chapter 74

Later that same night, Jason Powers
opened the back door to his aunt’s house with his key. After ditching the mechanic’s shirt, he now wore all black, as he usually did in the city. He let in Cocoa as quietly as he could and gently shut the door.

Reggie began to bark.

“Shit!” he whispered.

More barking, now from the top of the stairs.

“Reggie, stop that!” Dorothy scolded.

“Auntie, I’m home,” he called.

A short silence.

“Jason?  Is that you?”

“Yep. Sorry to be coming here so late, but our flight got delayed.”


He knew she was trying to remember why he had come. 

“I brought my girlfriend, just like you asked me to.”

“I did?”

She turned on the light above the stairs.

Reggie started up again.

“Shut up, Reggie! You know Jason.”

She saw Jason and his girlfriend standing at the bottom of the stairs, started down. Without Reggie.

“What’s your name, honey?”

“Camilla. But everybody calls me Cocoa.”  

“I’m Dorothy.”

“Jason talks about you all the time,” said Cocoa.

“He’s never mentioned you to me, but then, he’s not too good about calling.”

She gave him a disapproving look.

He returned it.

“You know my situation, Auntie.”

“Yes,” she sighed. “What about her…?”

“Cocoa,” he supplied.

“Does she know?” Dorothy asked.

He turned to Cocoa and winked.

“She’s referring to my undercover work.”

“With The Company,” Dorothy said. “That’s secret code for the C.I.A.,” she added proudly.

Cocoa was caught off guard.

Dorothy saw it and put her hand over her mouth. “Maybe I shouldn’t have…”

“No worries. She knows.”

“Oh good,” said Dorothy.” But she was not altogether sure her nephew was telling the truth. 

“Can we bunk down in my room?” he asked.

“Of course. I keep it ready for you, you know that.”

They followed her upstairs and watched her open the door of her linen closet and take out a key. She grabbed two towels and washcloths and handed them to Jason.

He watched her open the bedroom door.

“Aren’t you hungry? You must be hungry.”

Cocoa started to say something, but Jason cut her off.

Dorothy caught it.

“We snacked at the airport,” said Jason.

“Are you sure?” she asked worriedly, looking straight at Cocoa.

“We’re fine,” said Cocoa.

Dorothy was sure Cocoa was lying but didn’t press it.

“We’re good,” Jason said. "You go back to bed.”

Still hovering, Dorothy started to add something else, but the thought slipped away. The main thing is he’s here.

“Pleasant dreams,” she said.

“Same to you.”

She blew him a kiss and started for her bedroom.

As soon as they moved, Reggie growled.

Jason knelt and stuck out his hand.

“Reggie, you know Jason,” Dorothy said. “Sleep well, you two. Reggie, come!”

Reggie approached Jason cautiously, sniffed his hand. He growled softly, then backed off and followed his mistress into the bedroom.

Jason led Cocoa into the bedroom. 

“Close the door,” he ordered.

She did.

“He doesn’t remember me. Little rat.”

“How old is he?” Cocoa asked.

“Ancient. I thought he’d be dead by now.”

“Jason?” Dorothy called.

“What now?” he growled and opened the door.

“Before I forget, a young man came to visit one morning. He asked about you.”

Jason tensed. 

“What was his name?”


“I don’t remember. But he was on your wrestling team at Mission High.”

“Did he ask questions?”

“Yes. Friendly-like.”

Jason’s face flushed with anger.

Cocoa saw it and whispered, “Let it go.”

“We’ll talk about it in the morning,” he said and shut the door firmly.

Dorothy lingered in the hall for a moment. Something was afoot with Jason. He had reacted when she mentioned the visitor.  Was there something between the two of them?

She shook it off and went into her bedroom.


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