
Showing posts from September, 2021


  Chapter 75 The hot shower spray stung Jason’s back like tiny nettles. Despite all the havoc and danger that day, he felt comfy in his aunt’s house. Even relaxed. Or as relaxed as one could be after killing a guy and carjacking his truck.  He missed the pink tile that was in the Cole Street house. He fondly remembered playing with his toys during bathtime. The little row of sailboats, ducklings and frogs sat on a tiled ledge, waiting or him. The rubber ducks were gone, but his favorite sailing boat, was here. She had remembered.  He stepped out of the claw foot tub and toweled off. The tension he felt earlier had dissipated. Now he could think of other things. Like sex. The mere image of Cocoa being in his childhood bed was a turn-on. Then he remembered: His small twin bed was in the basement gathering dust. But the sofa bed would do. He combed out his long black hair. Slipped into his old bathrobe. He looked down at himself before he entered the bedroom. Almost re...


  Chapter 74 Later that same night, Jason Powers opened the back door to his aunt’s house with his key. After ditching the mechanic’s shirt, he now wore all black, as he usually did in the city. He let in Cocoa as quietly as he could and gently shut the door. Reggie began to bark. “Shit!” he whispered. More barking, now from the top of the stairs. “Reggie, stop that!” Dorothy scolded. “Auntie, I’m home,” he called. A short silence. “Jason?  Is that you?” “Yep. Sorry to be coming here so late, but our flight got delayed.” Silence. He knew she was trying to remember why he had come.  “I brought my girlfriend, just like you asked me to.” “I did?” She turned on the light above the stairs. Reggie started up again. “Shut up, Reggie! You know Jason.” She saw Jason and his girlfriend standing at the bottom of the stairs, started down. Without Reggie. “What’s your name, honey?” “Camilla. But everybody calls me Cocoa.” ...


  Chapter 73 That night I sat outside the surgery room in Petaluma General Hospital, feeling a powerful mix of depression and guilt. Had it not been for my poor judgment, Terry would be back in the office playing video games. Two male aides in green kept one-upping one another about a botched call during a Monday night game. Their good-natured ribbing was getting to me. “Hey guys! Do you mind?” I signaled for them to keep the noise down. “Sorry, man,” said the taller one. They proceeded to banter back and forth, lowering the volume a bit. Footsteps. I looked up and saw Colin headed for my bench. I hoped he wouldn’t ask me about all that had taken place that night. I had neither the patience nor strength to go through it all. He sat down and laid his big arm around my shoulders. “How is he?” he asked. “Still on life support. He lost a lot of blood. All my fault.” “Bullshit. He wouldn’t have missed the action for anything. And he’s an adult, Frank.” I ...


  Chapter 72 A tiny structure sat well off Highway 1 , which ran up and down the coast. Built with aged redwood siding, the gabled roof was topped by tarpaper. The front of the building featured two tall doors that opened out, revealing a small garage. Against one side of the barn were two racing bikes. The doors were open. Jason sat inside an old Ford pickup, trying to start the engine. He turned the key. There was a grinding sound but no ignition.  “Goddamn it, I told Sheena to check the battery last week.”  Cocoa stood by helplessly, while Jason gave it a few more turns. “Why didn’t you leave a new battery here?” “Sure, blame it on me,” he said. “What do we do?” she asked. He ignored her. “Fucking Sheena. This was her assignment!” He slammed both hands against the dashboard, kicking up dust, then got out. “I could call a service station,” she said. “Then what? We wait here until the tow truck shows? The feds could be coming up tha...


  Chapter 71 Just to prove to Driscoll that there was no one inside the cabin, I burst out from our cover and dashed across the campground.  “What are you doing, you idiot?” Driscoll called. “It’s empty.” I banged on the door with my fist.  Nothing happened. Driscoll hesitated, sensing a trap. The door was locked, of course. I slammed my foot against it. The second kick did it. Now there was a splintered hole. Just to make sure, I backed off to one side.  Nothing. I stuck my hand through the door and unlocked it. Driscoll was running up as I turned on the lights inside. “There’s gotta be an escape hatch somewhere,” I said. “Let’s hope so.  I’ll look around the closet and kitchen areas. You take the living room.” I started searching. It would be difficult to cut a square or circular hole in the knotty pine planks.  The trap door would be under something. I started by moving the couch out, away from the wall. Nothin...


Chapter 70 Sheena floored it and the Rover bounced over the bumps, throwing Peewee this way and that. At one point her head was below the dashboard.  Sheena was having second thoughts. She realized now that Jason had sent them off to be killed. There was no turnoff ahead, which meant that they were barreling down this fucking rutted road, heading straight for the pigs.  He’s asking me to die for him. As she rounded a curve she saw the bank of blinding halogen headlights. They’re waiting for us! “Shit!” she yelled. When Peewee popped up she saw what Sheena saw and squinted. They were headed straight for them.  “Fuck ‘em!  Floor it!” Peewee shouted. “I am!” They heard an amplified command:  “Stop your vehicle and get out with your hands up!” There were fifteen yards between them Suddenly Sheena braked and steered right, off road, snapping branches and brush, then slamming into a pine tree. “What the fuck!” Peewee yelled. “I w...