Chapter 75 The hot shower spray stung Jason’s back like tiny nettles. Despite all the havoc and danger that day, he felt comfy in his aunt’s house. Even relaxed. Or as relaxed as one could be after killing a guy and carjacking his truck. He missed the pink tile that was in the Cole Street house. He fondly remembered playing with his toys during bathtime. The little row of sailboats, ducklings and frogs sat on a tiled ledge, waiting or him. The rubber ducks were gone, but his favorite sailing boat, was here. She had remembered. He stepped out of the claw foot tub and toweled off. The tension he felt earlier had dissipated. Now he could think of other things. Like sex. The mere image of Cocoa being in his childhood bed was a turn-on. Then he remembered: His small twin bed was in the basement gathering dust. But the sofa bed would do. He combed out his long black hair. Slipped into his old bathrobe. He looked down at himself before he entered the bedroom. Almost re...