Chapter 10

On my way home I walked back
the same way. I was still stoked from seeing Linda. She obviously did care for me, even though she had stopped writing to me after she married Colin.
         On the other hand, my relationship with Colin was weird and unsettling.  Starting with the trafficking case, he used me like an unpaid informer. I helped him find the bad guys, then he rushed in and made the pinch, himself. Since I worked undercover, I got no credit. Which was fine with me. Chief Howell and the feds knew me. A good word from them meant more than seeing my name and picture in The Chronicle.

I opened my rickety gate and got out my pocket flashlight to negotiate the winding, overgrown walkway.  I never left my porch light on. Nor did I light the path with solar powered lanterns. Under the radar meant under the radar, as far as I was concerned.
Half way up the path I heard a squeak.
It was a hundred year-old-wooden farmhouse, and here in the Bay Area, there were lots of tiny quakes.
No worries, as the kids were always saying.
Another squeak.
Raccoons sound like that. Bird-like squeals.
But the sound seemed to come from inside the house. I reached the front door and got out my key. As inserted it, the door swung open. It had a dead bolt. Virtually no chance that I had left the door unlocked.
I stepped inside the dark room and ducked out of the doorway. Not enough moonlight to see anything. It would take a minute or so for my eyes to adjust. I knew better than to turn on the lights. I would become a perfect target and my eyes would be temporarily blinded. I got out my pocket pen flashlight and took a few steps. The floorboards creaked. Damn. I had just announced my arrival.  
I held out my pen light as far away from my body as possible, flashing its beam in a slow, semicircle. Each object cast a tall shadow. The long camp table to my left.  A raggedy sofa against the wall. The small water heater in the corner.
Nothing on this floor. Neither man nor beast.
I shined my light on the wooden ladder that led to the loft.
Whoever or whatever was up there had the advantage if it came to a fight.
Another squeak. 
Where was it coming from? There was nothing up there but a rolling metal valet and a small bureau.
And my army cot.
I had heard bedsprings. Someone was in my bed. Or on it, waiting.
         I moved to the ladder and quickly flashed up into the opening.
I searched around and found my Louisville Slugger bat. I clenched the light in my teeth and used my left hand to grab onto the rungs. That left my right hand free to clobber someone with my bat.
But no one appeared above me.
My head was about to be a close-range target.

My heart pounded as I slowly pulled myself up.


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